Page 25 - NGA NATURALmag 2023 FALL / WINTER Issue
P. 25

Fall-Winter 2023
Benefits of Weight Training for Individuals
with osteoporosis
WWW BINGFIT COM SOUTHTAHOENATURAL@GMAIL COM Weight training training training also known as resistance training training training or or strength training training training offers several benefits for individuals with osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is
a a a a a a a a condition char- acterized by weak and and brittle bones making individuals more susceptible to fractures and and bone injuries Weight training training is
exercise for your muscles and and bones bones When you you you you do weight weight training training you you you you lift and and move weights which puts a a a a a bit of stress stress on on on your bones bones You might be thinking “Wait Isn’t stress stress bad?”Well in in in in this case it’s actually a a a a a a a good thing When your bones expe- rience the the the stress from weight training they they become stronger over time It’s like they’re getting a a a a workout too This can be be really helpful for people with osteo- porosis
which which is
a a a a a a a a condition in in in which which bones bones become weak and and fragile Weight training gives your bones bones a a a a a a a a a chance to to to to become tougher and and less likely to to to to break It also gives them them an an an armor to to to to protect themselves Therefore the the the benefits of weight training for for osteo- porosis
are that fit it can make your bones stronger and less prone to fractures or or breaks The following are some additional benefits of weight training for individuals with osteoporosis:
Increased Bone Density: Weight training places stress on on on on on on the bones which stimulates bone bone bone forma- tion and and helps to increase bone bone bone density This can slow down the the progression of of osteoporosis
and and reduce the the risk of fractures Improve Muscle Strength: Weight training not only strengthens strengthens bones but also builds and strengthens strengthens muscles muscles Strong muscles muscles can provide better support to the the bones and reduce the the risk of falls which is
essential for people with osteoporosis
Enhanced Balance and and Stability: Weight training exercise that focuses on the the lower body and and and core can improve balance and and and stability reducing the the risk of falls and and related fractures in in in individuals with osteoporosis
Increased Joint Flexibility and Range of Motion:
Weight training involves performing various exer- cises that move the the joints through their full range of motion This can help maintain joint joint joint flexibility and reduce the risk of joint joint related problems in in in in in people with osteoporosis
Better Posture: Weight training can help correct pos- ture ture issues which is
particularly important for individu- als
with osteoporosis
who may be prone to developing spinal curvature (kyphosis) Enhanced Overall Fitness: Engaging in in in in weight train- ing ing can improve cardiovascular health metabolism and overall physical fitness contribution to a a a a a a a a a a a a better quality of life for individuals with osteoporosis
Psychological Benefit: Regular exercise including weight training can have positive effects on men- tal health by reducing stress anxiety and depres- sion which can be be beneficial for those coping with osteoporosis
It’s important to note that weight training for for individuals with with osteoporosis
should be performed safely and with with with proper guidance Before starting any exercise program it’s essential to consult with with with a a a a a a a a a a a quali- fied fitness trainer who has experience working with with with individuals with with osteoporosis
They can create a a a a a a a a a a a per- sonalized exercise plan that takes into account the individual’s condition fitness level and specific needs while minimizing the risk of injury n n n n n n n n n NGA NATURALmag 25

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